Flick the Switch on Anxiety & Depression
This is a five hour presentation on how best to respond to someone who may be developing or living with a mental illness. We offer and additional one hour session on suicide if required.
Suitable for whole staff training
Flick The Switch is a presentation focusing on anxiety, depression and psychosis developed from elements of the two day Mental Health First Aid course. This one day course does not attempt to replace or replicate the MHFA 12 hour training. It has been designed to provide vital aspect of mental health education to workplaces who are time poor and can't have all staff complete the MHFA course. We will present a Youth version for those in schools or working with young people.
This excellent introduction will shed light on something that may affect us all at some time - anxiety - depression - psychosis...
The first part of the day answers the following:
What is a mental health problem?
Prevelance in Australia and different age groups
Stigma - What does it look like? What barriers does it cause? How to overcome those barriers and what to say.
Mental Health Disorders Covered:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Psychosis
We show how to approach someone we think may be struggling. This is often the most difficult part as we dont want to 'open a can of worms' or 'make things worse'.
Participants will:
- Be more confident in identifying factors of mental health problems such as how is it recognised, what are triggers and the prevalence of MH issues in Australia.
- Identify and understand why common barriers exist to people seeking help
- Identify the importance of non-judgemental listening and the impact of giving advice so they have increased confidence when talking to a person with a mental health problem.
- Be capable and confident in identifying the characteristics of Anxiety and Depression and Psychosis and recognising signs and symptoms in themselves and in others.
- Achieve greater confidence in their actions in dealing with a suicidal person; their ability to identify elements of suicidal behaviour; identify useful and not useful words and phrases to use with an at risk person; implement appropriate actions to ensure the risk is minimised and ensure the at risk person is safe.
- Identify the importance of self-care and be able to implement simple self care techniques.
Maximum 50 Participants