Do you feel like killing or hurting yourself?
If the answer is yes and you feel like you are about to act, please call 000 now.
You are not breaking the law because you feel suicidal. The feeling will pass but you need to get assistance now to keep you safe until it does.
If the answer is yes call Lifeline on 13 11 14 .
If you are in a rural area call 1300 131 114 . or call Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
or call Youthline (Suicide) 1800 350 670
The person on the other end is there to listen. They will not judge you. They will not think you are crazy. What they will do is listen and give you some understanding into what is happening.
Ring them now. They are available 24/7.
If you don't think talking about to a total stranger will help - think again - you will be amazed by how much you will want to say.
If you have rung them before and don't think they will be able to help this time....think will get a different person who may give you what you need to help you this time..... everytime is different....ring them now.
or Do you feel in such emotional pain that you think you are going to self harm?
or Are you at the end of your tether and feel like you don't know where to go next?