Keeping Sane® in a Lunch Box

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4 x 50 min Presentations over your lunch time in your workplace

  • Each session has a take home message you can use TODAY and builds on a series of tools for your Less stress tool kit'
  • Develop an understanding of the different forms of stress, and how this can affect your mental health
  • Help you to recognise how stress effects you and your role and understand that people perceive stress      differently
  • Understand resilience and provide you with a knowledge of practical mental wellness strategies
  • Provide you with the information and tools to promote self-care.
  • Have an understanding of how to react to stress in a more productive and positive manner
  • Finish with a workable, simple and  happily anticipated take away plan for mental wellness in your workplace'
  • Best presented over 2 or 4 weeks (no longer than 4 weeks recommended)


Module 1:
Participants should be able to:

  • Identify different forms of stress and how it can affect us in our role and identify the turning point of when stress become a problem and to recognise our own physical and  emotional reaction to stress.
  • Be confident in identifying identifying behaviours in others that may indicate when distress is present.
  • Identify three key areas that affect our physical and mental wellness.
  • Identify our own whole being' reactions to specific stressful situations and to articulate them so we can be more confident in recognising and dealing with stress as it occurs. 

Module 2:

  • Identify the load' we carry in work and life and articulate this in terms of the different roles we play.
  • Identify practical resilience skills so they can be applied to every day work and home life.


Module 3:

  • Identify and utilise effective tools for reacting to stress.
  • Understand how we can use rumination and reflection to add to our resilience skills. 
  • Identify factors that limit our ability to deal with common stressful scenarios and have the confidence to react more effectively. 

Module 4:

  • Identify key challenges within their workplace and life and implement a simple 3 step plan to improve mental and emotional wellness and to act with more confidence in their workplace or team.


Maximum 20 participants

Please contact us for a quote and more information.