Do you feel in such emotional pain that you think you are going to self harm?

 Call Youthline - 1800 350 670 - They understand and are there to help you through this crisis.


Tips some self-help techniques that may be helpful

Young people who self-harm say that finding ways to distract themselves when they get the urge to self-harm is very important to their recovery. These may not work for everyone but it can be helpful to give them a try to see if you can find one that might work for you:


Using a red pen to mark the skin instead of cutting

Hitting a punch bag to vent anger or frustration


Making lots of noise (e.g. with an instrument, banging pots  and pans)

Writing your negative feelings on a piece of paper and  then ripping it up

Scribbling on a large piece of paper with a red pen

Writing a diary or a journal

Talking to a friend (not necessarily about self-harm)

Doing a collage/artwork

Going online and looking at self-help websites

Using substitute forms of self-harm' can also be helpful, e.g.:

Rubbing ice on the skin instead of cutting

Putting elastic bands on the wrists and flicking them ¢ instead of cutting

Eating a chilli

It is good to learn some things that you can do to help yourself, but it's important to remember that helping yourself doesn't mean you have to go it alone.


Talking to someone you trust about what you're going through can make things a lot easier. This might be a friend, family member, teacher, youth worker, counsellor or GP. You can also call a confidential helpline

(The above information has been taken from Headspace flyer - Mythbuster - sorting facts from fiction on self harm)

or  Do you feel like hurting yourself or killing yourself?

or Are you at the end of your tether and feel like you just want help